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Loures, Portugal: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Marcos G. Tenant
It is a service highly recommended by my friends and is easy to use and informative.
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08.03.2023 Lisbon
Douglas C. Tenant
Excellent alternative to other rental/stay apps. If you are considering staying somewhere for at least a couple weeks, do yourself a favour and try Flatio.
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09.03.2023 Lisbon
Jack M. Tenant
Easy to use
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01.01.2023 Lisbon
Iolanda B. Landlord
Fee calculation
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06.12.2022 Lisbon
Vladimir L. Tenant
Понятный интерфейс, много фильтров, что облегчает поиск и возможность быстро заключить договор.
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05.12.2022 Lisbon
Ellon B. Tenant
Very clear and fair information!
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12.07.2022 Lisbon
Daria K. Tenant
discount for Ukrainians and a nice-looking apartment which I found on your site.
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04.10.2022 Ramada
Anna B. Tenant
Superfast and user friendly services without any deposits for long term rentals!
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04.10.2022 Ramada
Iolanda B. Landlord
The way you calculate your fee should consider a value before taxes. It should be possible to introduce a price before taxes.
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24.09.2022 Lisbon
Carolina A. Tenant
Facilidade de encontrar quartos e apartamentos para curta duração.
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08.06.2022 Lisbon
John P. Tenant
That I found the perfect place for my month's stay.
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09.09.2022 Lisbon
John P. Tenant
Easy to search through different available apartments/rooms.
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15.06.2022 Lisbon
Scarlett A. Tenant
very good
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03.09.2022 Lisbon
Iolanda B. Landlord
It is not that difficult to get help from the support team. It is important to have the possibility to speak with someone on the phone, and flatio offers this solution. Communication is not very clear sometimes. Flatio needs to equally protect hosts and guests interests. Hosts provide the resources that guests want or need at zero cost for flatio.
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20.08.2022 Lisbon
Scarlett A. Tenant
Very responsive, available and efficient for my first experience
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09.08.2022 Lisbon
Joana M. Landlord
Have a general calendar with all the properties
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14.07.2022 Lisbon
Fatima C. Tenant
Boa plataforma, de facil acesso, de contacto / apoio pertinente. Ja estou a recomendar aos meus amigos
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15.07.2022 Lisbon
Oscar A. Tenant
Is easy and fast and have a good price
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11.07.2022 Lisbon
Joana M. Landlord
Very nice platform, would only add a general calendar where the property manager can see all their properties calendar together.
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03.07.2022 Lisbon
Eugénie B. Tenant
Very easy and fast, no need for a deposit
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07.07.2022 Lisbon
Kabir J. Tenant
lovely website
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20.06.2022 Lisbon
Joana M. Landlord
I like the app and website very much. The onlyy feature I would add would be a general calendar, where I could see all my listings and their calendars together to be able to have a general vision, instead of having to check one by one. This is a small detail, not a critic. Other than that I have only good things to say about flatio and have been enjoying a lot to work with them.
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15.06.2022 Lisbon
Michelle H. Tenant
Good platform that is user-friendly and very easy to navigate.
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15.06.2022 Lisbon
Brian M. Tenant
Very easy to search for accomodation. I have already rented 3 times with Flatio and their service has always exceeded my expectations.
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16.05.2022 Lisbon